Friday, September 14, 2007

posted by NEO SEP 060157

Water pollution (frequency of exceeding national water quality standards, drinking waterquality standards)

The estimated number of water pollution sources for 2002 of Malaysia was 13,540 comprising mainly ofsewage treatment plants, agro-based industries, manufacturing industries and animal farms. About53 percent of the total number of sources was domestic sewage facilities (7,126 sources), followedby manufacturing industries (5, 137 or 38 percent), pig farms (807 sources or 6 percent) and agrobasedindustries (470 sources or 3 percent). Of the total number of effluent sources identified,Johor had the highest number (1 675, 29.9 percent), followed by Selangor (1 485, 26.5 percent),Perak (573, 10.2 percent) and Perlis had the least number (14, 0.25 percent).1.3.3 Solid waste (generation of municipal solid waste, proportion of recyclables

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