Saturday, August 4, 2007


Eutrophication of inland waters ranks as one of the most widespread environmental problems. Symptoms of eutrophication include algae scums and toxins derived from algae blooms, massives infestations of certain aquatic plants, increased incidence of water-related diseases, turbid water, noxious odors and poor tasting water, depleting of dissolved oxygen and fish kills. Increase of eutrophic surface and ground water causes large scale economic losses, impairs development and increases the costs of water treatment.

The prevention of eutrophication and the restoration of eutrophic lakes and reservoirs require proper planning and management of associated watersheds. Therefore, sound management strategies require an understanding of the relationship between nutrient sources and degree of eutrophication.

There are many natural and man-made lakes in Malaysia and they serve as important sources of water for multiple use and home also to diverse aquatic fauna. Rapid pace of development in the recent past in many of the catchment areas above these lakes has had significant effects on lake capacities, water quality, and water inflows.

This study commissioned by NAHRIM is with a view of taking stock of the current status of the lakes around the country and the threats encountered both from the standpoint of water quantity and quality. The baseline study, together with recommendations for remedial measures and environmental management strategies, would form the basis for future planning and management of restoration and conservation of lakes in Malaysia.

by Ratnasari bt Mohd Ashaari (SEP060159)

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